Saturday, October 21, 2006

28th Saturday in Ordinary Time (II)
Open Declaration

Readings: Ephesians 1:11-14; Psalm 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-136; Luke 12:1-7

If anyone openly declares himself for me in the presence of men…

Some may think it unlikely that they will ever have the opportunity, or courage, or even the inclination to openly declare oneself for Christ. And yet, such opportunities are probably less uncommon than we think, aren’t they?

In a climate that seems ever less conducive to married and family life, for example, are there not still a good number of committed Christian parents who choose to have as many children as they can reasonably afford and who work hard at providing their offspring with a well-rounded education? Is this courageous option not an open declaration for Christ, albeit a non-verbal one?

We can probably find other examples in our own experience – even some apparently very trivial ones. I’m reminded, for example, of the person who, while exercising in a gym, had someone come up to him and ask if he was educated in a Christian school. All because he had let someone else use the exercise machine ahead of him.

Significant or trivial, spontaneous or carefully considered, we become aware of, and respond adequately to, the daily opportunities for declaring ourselves for Christ only to the extent that we are open to the inspirations and empowerment of the One who will teach you what you must say.

What opportunities is the Spirit presenting us with today?

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