Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Interpreting the Bible in a Liturgical Context

Readings: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Psalms 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Matthew 17:1-9
Picture: CC carulmare

In place of a homily today, here's a link to an article that explores a method for interpreting scripture in a liturgical context. The article refers to the readings for year C, which are the same as year A, except that the gospel is taken from Luke instead of Matthew.


  1. Not only flummoxed but floored by your text on the Transfiguration. I had to reach the dictionary several times in search of the exact meaning of the theological terms used. Not only trying to grapple but stumbled and struggled with your 'treatise'.
    One word which I could not locate was anamnetic. Please help!!
    You have presented so many 'ideas' and the only vague notion I gathered from your summary is that anlaysis must also take into account synthesis within a given context.
    During one of the many talks I attended, a Dr-Priest once used the term Zikkaron - to explain the Jewish celebration of the passover. We relive the salvific events during mass. It is not just memorial but a re-enactment. Can you kindly help my understanding with your extensive knowledge?
    Your blog offers so much more than just thoughtful provocations but a deeper understanding into what biblical text offers.
    We are transfigured (not the divine variety) everytime we are mildly enlightened.
    Thank You.

  2. I was very puzzled by the word "anamnetic" too, until I found "anamnesis" (Ancient Greek: ἀνάμνησις = "recollection, reminiscence").

    I was also bowled over by the texts which refer to "Liturgy as Anamnetic and Eschatological Event", e.g.

    When in celebrating the Liturgy the Church proclaims both the Old and New Testament, it is proclaiming one and the same mystery of Christ… The more profound our understanding of the celebration of the Liturgy, the higher our appreciation of the importance of God’s word. Whatever we say of the one, we can in turn say of the other, because each recalls the mystery of Christ and each in its own way causes the mystery to be carried forward (ILM, vol. 2, #4-5, with emphasis added).
