Thursday, September 07, 2006

22nd Thursday in Ordinary Time (II)
Christian Foolishness

Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:18-23; Psalm 24; Luke 5:1-11

How does one even begin to understand what Paul speaks about in the first reading? Are Christians really called to be foolish? And what does it mean anyway, to be foolish?

It helps that the foolishness of which Paul speaks is demonstrated in the gospel. It’s the foolishness by which Jesus chooses to board the boat of failed fishermen. It’s the same foolishness which leads Jesus to ask those fishermen to put out into the deep and to fish in broad daylight. And it’s also the same foolishness that sees those fishermen acceding to Jesus' request and that impels them to leave everything and follow him.

Whether one is foolish or wise can be judged according to how one makes decisions. What considerations and criteria are taken into account? What takes precedence and priority? But the world often presents us with different priorities than those of Christ. Is this not why Christian decisions can often seem foolish in the eyes of the world? Is this not why we often experience tension when we have important choices to make?

The grace we need is that spoken of in the psalm: clean hands and pure heart – so that we may desire and act according to the things of God – the values of Christ – above all other things.

How foolish or wise are we in the eyes of the world? In the eyes of God?

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